Benefits Of Participating In Clinical Research

Help Bring Life-saving Medications To Patients

Improve Your Own Health, Learn About Conditions

Participate In Studies Without Leaving Home

Be The First To Benefit From A New Method

Close Monitoring & Care From A Team Of Doctors

Get Access To Promising New Treatments

Who We Are
Our Mission
We, at NexGen Research, strive to provide our patients and community at large access to the latest life-changing therapeutics, biotechnology, and medical devices.
Our vision
Pragmatic innovation in healthcare and inclusion of disproportionate generations,
Our Values

We set our moral compass high.

We treat everyone with respect and compassion.

We ask before doing and assess risks continuously.

Everyone is a stakeholder, and we are at their service.
Our Patients Say
Women’s IUD Study Participant
For the first time I’ve finally found a drug that works for me and my body.
Cancer Pain Study Participant
Even though the medication can be a mystery, I like the care I receive from the staff and trust they will do everything to keep me safe.
Healthy Study
I like the feeling of control in something good, a little bigger than myself, and knowing my actions can impact science for the better. Being paid is just a bonus.